
Evangelism is our method of communicating the Gospel. It is the message that we are all sinful people that are in desperate need of saving. This salvation can only come through what Jesus Christ has accomplished in His work on the cross. Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose to life three days later so that we could be freed from the power that sin held over us. Our hope in communicating the Gospel is that whoever hears the message will repent (turn from their sin) and believe that Jesus is the Christ. As disciples we desire to follow Christ's command to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19). It is important to be equipped and prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in you (1 Pet. 3:15). Understanding this central command of disciple making compels us to do all that we can to use the opportunity of daily conversations to lead others to the Gospel. We want to actively engage our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In doing this, we strive to fulfill our purpose to be on mission to reach our community and the nations for Jesus Christ. As you prayerfully consider sharing your faith, we hope that you will use these provided resources and that transformation of our world would begin through Ridgecrest … to St. Charles County, Missouri, to our country, and to the very ends of the earth.


Les3 Circles

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Lesson 2 - The Gospel


lesson 3 - Transition to the Gospel


lesson 4 - Invite a gospel response


lesson 5 - red, yellow, and green responses


lesson 6 - It worked! now what?